A LOW-COST TOOL BOX OF ALL the templates, documents, forms, explanatory notes, hints/tips and plans that enable you to plan, manage and control projects within your business - just £25 for all 26 documents for you to download in easy to use MS Office format including for a limited period the complete set of time management templates and documents FREE.

What is Project Management

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Project Management is the planning, organisation, leadership and control of a set of resources brought together to deliver one or a series of business or organisational objectives within a given timeframe and budget.

Within WWW.PLAN-IT-CONTROL-IT.COM  there are three strands of work within any single project. These are

Firstly there is the technical strand - that is the outcome of the Project (the Product(s)) – the process of achieving the change set out as the requirement of the Project, for instance creating a new Customer Service system.

Secondly, alongside that is the project management strand of the Project itself, the thing that defines who does what and when in order that the technical elements are achieved.

Finally there is a third tier of activity, often overlooked (sometimes until it is too late) but involving the quality element, ensuring the quality of the product and the Project meet expectation.

The Project Manager is directly responsible for the second strand and critically concerned that the first and third happen as planned and completely on time, budget and to meet expectations.


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version 168 
5th November 2012


Time is on

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Our approach is to provide you with a simple set of easy-to-use documents and resources in the form of templates, plans, schedules, checklists etc. These documents can be purchased and downloaded from this site, and with them you can develop your own Project Management, Business Continuity Plans etc., to suit your organisation, staff and customers.

[Welcome] [What is a Project?] [Project Management] [Road Map] [Time Management] [Contact Us] [Links] [Purchase Documents] [Download Documents]
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Project Management and Control,...... Time Management,
Business Continuity Planning & other essential business
resources for you to purchase and download

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Whatever the size of your  business there are inevitably one-off areas of work that require special resources and careful management - PROJECTS! Purchase and Download these documents to provide a basic set of templates and instructions to define, plan, manage and control PROJECTS in your organisation

See the ROADMAP  for a list of the Documents

The COST of the Project Management package is
            £25 (GBP) for 26 documents with
110 pages of resources including  37 templates.

Limited period offer: in addition you will receive the 8 document set of templates and plans for Time Management.

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